Build your own house - the thrill of a lifetime

This fabulous, one of
-- A kind of Mediterranean-style house is well suited not only the client, but this lot and it is restrictive setbacks. It has more than 4,200 sf. CVC of space, with an additional 900 pc. bridges outside. It is in
"plantation" on the island of St. George and should be completed sometimes
this winter. Click HERE to see many more examples of my work.

Build your own house - the thrill of a lifetime. But before the first movement of a hammer is heard, organizing your ideas, dreams and preferences, aligned with your lifestyle and budget, a complete set of building plans viable, requires the assistance of an experienced designer home. We can see the possibilities, find solutions and to anticipate your needs - even if you have difficulty expressing them. By clicking on each link at the top and those of the right column will give you a brief overview of how we work and most of the answers to all your questions.

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Rural lots for sale
in Western PA Counties:
Building a lot to Beaver, Butler, Clarion Mercer counties or at the following address:


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