42 Tip Desain Rumah Minimalis

Tip 42 Desain Rumah Minimalis (2): Dari Renovasi Fasade ke Interior Design, Sekali Lagi Ada yang "A State of Mind"

30 April 2008 di Annahape, Desain Arsitektur, Desain Interior, Desain Rumah Minimalis, Interior Apartemen, Interior Rumah Tinggal, Rumah Minimalis, gambar rumah | Tags: desain rumah, Interior Rumah, Bangun Rumah, Desain Interior, Interior Rumah Tinggal, Annahape, rumah minimalis, Desain Rumah Minimalis, Desain Rumah Impian, Interior Design Jakarta, Interior Designer, gambar rumah, desain rumah

(Lanjutan dari Tip 41) Tidak sedikit calon klien yang menghubungi saya menyampaikan permintaan ini: Saya ingin merenovasi rumah atau fasade muncul menjadi minimal "Atau," Kami ingin mengubah pagar rumah bergaya minimalis. "Sebabnya, kurang lebih mudah menebak. Yakni, karena rumah bergaya minimalis masih nge-tren." Tetangga juga di rumah bergaya minimalis ". Pertanyaan: cocokkah gaya minimalis dengan Anda?

Anda bisa bayangkan bagaimana kacau balaunya tampak asli rumah jika rumah ini penuh dengan perhiasan berukir pilar roma, sementara pagarnya minimalis! Orang yang sering diabaikan adalah: ini bukan merupakan gaya minimalis. Minimalis yang terkait dengan filosofi hidup, tepatnya "a state of mind". Pemikiran atau cara yang ditampilkan dalam arsitektur atau interior rumah. Karena itu, sebagai salah satu cara berpikir dapat dipadukan dengan gaya minimalis, modern dan bahkan retro gaya desain. Jadi, sebelum anda "tindak-ikutan" dengan tetangga Anda akan melihat kembali personalitas Anda. Cocok atau tidak.

Nah, jika Anda merasa sehat, ini merupakan prinsip dasar dari interior rumah yang harus Anda perhatikan:

Oasis keteraturan - Masuk ke dalam rumah karena minimnya Oasis keteraturan, berhadapan dengan dunia yang chaos tidak seragam (cluttered). Itulah mengapa kadang-kadang disebut juga uncluttered desain desain minimalis. Keteraturan yang tidak kaku, tetapi keteraturan rileks, merefreshing. Sebagai keteraturan yang mengundang orang untuk menjadi diam, hiruk pikuk dunia.

Bagaimana cara memulai - Minimalis tidak berarti sama minimal aksesoris. Minimalis lebih berarti bahwa semuanya ada di rumah memiliki fungsi. Dengan mengambil konsep minimalis, segi keindahan diciptakan pertama-tama mengurangi dinding untuk menciptakan lantai yang terbuka. Bila struktur tidak mungkin mengurangi jumlah dinding, Anda dapat menciptkan ilusi minimalis dengan memainkan elemen yang ada di kamar utama - memelihara lebar, dinding batas antara lanti plafon yang bersih tanpa profil, keteraturan dan menghapus hiasan yang tidak diperlukan.

Warna - yang minimalis yang ingin efek dramatis telah dibuat oleh cat warna. Putih, hijau muda dan coral sebagai contoh yang sering digunakan. Sebaliknya, penggunaan efek cahaya pada dinding menjadi lebih putih. Gambar di bawah ini diambil dari hotel Brunswick yang menggunakan gaya minimalis di Glasgow, Skotlandia.

Lebih Sedikit Tekstur - Minimalis berarti meminimalkan tekstur pada dekorasi. Daftar profil di lantai dan plafon dihindari atau diminimalkan. Finishing di dapur kabinet dibuat dengan super high shine, terutama dengan kombinasi kaca dan stainless steel dengan granit atas meja. Well, selamat berminimalis.

Baca juga Tip 27 (Desain Rumah Minimalis, Filosofinya), Tip 29 (Furniture Minimali

home Modern Minimalis

Interior Design Art Deco house and Modern Minimalis
Saturday, 14 February 2009 7:58 BIMAN3T
Home Design Modern Art Deco

To look neat and well considered, it is up to the house interior diselaraskan with fasad building. If you see the face of art deco, the interior also does not run from that style. Similarly, the model for minimalist home, the interior is designed with style senada. Home Design Modern Art DecoAlthough in its application, not even a second style itu.Untuk interior space, art deco style of the implementation of many rounded ornaments, boxes, or other geometrical shape, just as accents only. For example, only used for display or TV cabinet cabinet lainnya.Sedangkan other furniture such as desks and chairs, a simple model of the selected finishingnya and cocoa brown color (dark brown). When necessary, given the black accent color to look more luxurious. Home Design Modern Art Deco
if minimalist concept, because everything is done completely, thus it does not appear to be empty space should be given a little accent. For example, there was a table or chair tradisional.Material other design accents also can be used, such as products such as handicraft statue (statue), Sculpture, and other accessories that, when visiting the area or result melancong abroad. family rooms, home to art deco model, or minimalist, the better the chocolate color and fiber-fiber wood addition, many people such as wood nyantoh, because the fiber is straight, or slightly reddish mahogany color. While models furniturenya also selected a simple, no-wear carving and engraving profil.Sedangkan tables and chairs in the hall, also choose a simple model. Top of the table is to use wood, you can also use the glass. Wall space is given to eat jewelry, such as Yogyakarta sandstone, glass and mirror boxes (glass solder). Home Design Modern Art Deco
Bedroom design ideas
Saturday, 14 February 2009 7:52 BIMAN3T
bedroom desains

Instead of living room with a dull and boring, why not transform. You can choose from a full transform to give you enough room to put a beautiful face increased. Start by determining your budget, specific ideas, and the number of hours you must devote to the project. For example, if you want to transform a room down to the sick during the long holiday sunday, you can be more limited on what can be done if you do not have the time. Referring to the considerations that will perform the work. If you engage a professional, then you will have to weigh things out of a different if you only do work.

If you want to give you room to put a new gleam and new, which begins with a variety of fabrics, textures, colors and models. Simple to change jobs, change the bed of eiderdown outside, from the window treatments, and the image-model can change all aspects of the room. While working with the cloth, you just remember to measure the printed fabric. The executive of the table can also make a big difference. If you currently have a bedroom that model country in which your images are in a frame decorated with flowers reinforcements from the timber, with the reinforcements to be black, wood, or clear, you can take a glimpse into the contemporary. You may want to be a bedroom, a man with a French flair. Using a huge gold reinforcements will help with the decorations.

Planning to add a cushion to beds and chairs, or to change the outside cover of the pillow that you have. If you have a good cushion and the amount of interest hives, you can remove hives and sewing a simple sheath, completely change the aspect. Draperies and cornices are also very good by the transformation that will be your bedroom. Rather than use the same cloth as the place of the curtain panels, bed spread or feather-bed, and cloth model that uses the same layout but the color coordination, do not match.

Even pieces of furniture that can be used to repair the end of the work. If you have a planer and bedhead, built a solid but not the best pieces of furniture at a glance
Room to put a `Remodelling of room to put the idea of` room to put a `` transformation of ideas to improve

Rumah Minimalis

Desain Rumah Minimalis
26 April 2007
Artikel astudio

(foto; geometrica rumah koleksi, didesain oleh astudio)

Desain rumah akhir-akhir ini mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Kita dapat menemukan berbagai jenis desain rumah yang berkembang di masyarakat, antara lain, desain rumah minimalis, modern, Mediterania, klasik dan sebagainya. Ini merupakan persyaratan sesuai dengan umur, semakin kami menyadari bahwa peran desain arsitek dan desain yang sangat indah untuk rumah kita.Desain rumah gaya minimalis yang berlangsung sangat cepat akhir-akhir ini. Kami menemukan banyak orang dari astudio akan digunakan untuk mengikuti gaya minimalis mode. Biasanya orang-orang yang tertarik untuk menggunakan gaya minimalis adalah mereka yang masih berjiwa muda. Para eksekutif muda menyukai gaya minimalis, gaya yang praktis dan dapat dilihat untuk mewakili gaya hidup modern mereka.

Sumber gambar: dokumen arsip astudio

Sebenarnya, gaya minimalis ini tidak hanya sebuah gaya arsitektur, tetapi di balik itu, gaya ini memiliki waktu respons yang merupakan tantangan untuk mendapatkan 'hasil maksimal dari sesuatu yang minimal'. Hal ini dapat minimal dana pembangunan, atau gaya hidup yang diminimalkan. Seringkali gaya ini dipakai karena keterbatasan dana, namun menjadi sangat menarik karena dengan keterbatasan ini kita masih dapat mengikuti tren fashion terbaru di arsitektur.

Melihatnya, rumah tanpa perhiasan yang berlebihan, menggunakan bahan-bahan material yang diekspos sehingga terkesan jujur dalam penampilannya, tidak berlebihan. Ibaratnya saat melakukan pencarian, sebagai eksekutif muda yang ingin pergi kekantor, dengan pakaian elegan yang tidak berlebihan, bersih dan praktis. Namun, karena ini merupakan mode, kita masih merasa 'memiliki bagian' dari mode yang sedang berkembang saat ini. Untuk banyak orang, ini sangat menyenangkan (mungkin Anda juga senang dengan mode saat ini?)

Gaya minimalis pada dasarnya adalah sebuah respons atas keadaan yang dicetuskan oleh orang-orang yang mengikuti paham minimalisme sebagai protes atas situasi orang-orang yang tidak menghargai sumber daya alam yang terbatas dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya alam untuk hal-hal yang tidak perlu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Minimalisme adalah gerakan gerakan 'kembali ke dasar' atau kembali ke kesederhanaan, tampaknya gerakan yang timbul di Amerika Serikat adalah suatu hal yang dapat dianggap sebagai gerakan positif dari era modern.

(foto; desain interior di rumah eksekutif muda, didesain oleh astudio)

Gambar di atas adalah salah satu contoh sudut ruangan yang 'minimalis', dimana ruangan ini sama sekali tidak terlihat, tetapi jujur. Namun, dengan desain ini kita akan dapat merasakan kamar yang luas dan lega. Istilah 'tidak ribet'.

Bagi kita yang menyukai gaya hidup modern, gaya ini dapat menjadi pilihan untuk melengkapi gaya hidup sehari-hari kita. Misalnya jika pasangan suami dan isteri dalam rumah bersama-sama untuk bekerja, dan gaya hidup dengan cepat, sederhana dan praktis.

(gambar: interior design, didesain oleh astudio)

Namun, dalam desain rumah bergaya minimalis, kita perlu memperhatikan cocok dengan iklim. Karena itu gaya minimalis, gaya modern yang sederhana dan tidak berasal dari negara kita, kita perlu mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor iklim tropis seperti hujan dan panas matahari, antara lain dengan membuat rumah kita bisa berhadapan dengan matahari atau panas yang menyengat tampias .

Home decorating Make It Unique By Using Modern

Jakarta Interior Home Design: Home decorating: Make It Unique By Using Modern Furniture November 20th, 2008 architectjakarta Posted in Interior Design | Typically, a home is composed of different parts and it also has different furniture and decors that make it look presentable. But of course putting some decorations and designs depends on one's individual personality and characteristic. Decorating a home does not need to mimic others design and decoration. Decorating should be properly plan, it is not necessary to imitate those things that we see on TV and apply it in our home. Of course we should consider some things first before deciding to imitate the things that we have seen on TV. First thing you need to consider in decorating your home is its size. You do not to make your home look crowded by putting any decoration that you see on TV on your home. Being in the trend is not bad as long as it is appropriate to your home. That is usually a common notion of TV viewers, everything that they see on TV is good that even if it does not fit your home you tend to imitate it because of the thinking that it is used by your favorite artist. Decorating is being unique, you must think of a design that can distinguish your work from the others. Though getting ideas from TV or magazine is a great help but it does not mean to imitate every detail that you've seen. Make some mixture and experimentation in decorating your home and you might have a perfect outcome from those things that you have seen. Basically, you should need to know the necessary things that you need in your home then start thinking of some other things that can help you make your home look stylish. Like furniture, sofa, bed, cabinets, lamp shade and many more are some of the necessary things that you should have. And it is better to select that furniture that can give you a modern look. And speaking of modern look, there is a lot of modern furniture on a store. This will give you an easy way starting in decorating your home because modern furniture is versatile enough to match any design and decors you may choose. You just need to consider the Motif that you want for your home. You may choose different options, you can have a traditional style or modern style. But of course to cope up with a lot of changes today, modern style is commonly used in most houses. This is where modern furniture is used and it will surely provide you the look that you want and take out your personality in doing the decoration of your home. Eliza Maledevic Ayson Modern Furniture Modern Furniture SofaMiami Modern Home Design Jakarta, Jakarta Home Builder, Home Interior Design rénovation Jakarta Jakarta, Jakarta Gardening Design, countries Design Architect Jakarta Indonesia, Jakarta Architect Consultant http://www.bangun-rumah.com Iklan Rumah , Jual Beli Sewa Rumah, Pemasaran Properti, Rumah Online Iklan Internet Iklan Rumah, Iklan Rumah Indonesia http://www.griyakita.com RUMAH ARSITEK DESAIN RUMAH BANGUN RUMAH RENOVASI IKLAN RUMAH JUAL BELI RUMAH
Jakarta Interior Home Design: Home Decor: Make It With unique modern furniture

20. November 2008 architectjakarta Posted in interior design |

Typically, the house consists of various parts, and also has different furniture and decors that make it look spectacular. But of course put some decorations and designs depends on one's individual traits and characteristics.

Home should not imitate others design and decoration. Planning should be the correct plan, is not necessary to imitate those things that we see on TV and to apply in our house. Of course, you should consider some things first before deciding nasljedovati what we see on TV-in.

The first thing that should be taken into account in the design for your home is its size. Not to make your home look crowded putting any decorations that you see on TV in your home. To be in the trend is not bad as long as is appropriate for your home. This is usually the common notion of TV viewers, and all that they see on TV that is good, even if it does not fit your house have a tendency to like nasljedovati it because they think that the use of your favorite artists.

Setting is unique, you must think of the draft that is your work different from others. Although I get ideas from TV or magazine is a big help, but this does not mean that every detail nasljedujemo you've seen. Bring a mixture of experimentation and in the decoration of your home, and you could have the perfect exit from the things that you see.

Generally, you should need to know the necessary things that should be in your home, then begin to think about some other things that can help you keep your house style format. Furniture such as sofa, bed, locker, lamp shade, and more are some of the things you need to, you should have. And it is better to select the furniture that you can give a modern look. And speaking about the modern format, has a lot of modern furniture for storage. This will give you a simple way with the decoration in your home, because it is a modern furniture match versatile enough for any design and decors you choose May.

You only need to consider the motive that you want for your home. You May select different options, you can have a traditional style or modern style. But of course, to deal with a lot of changes today, modern style is usually used in most houses.

This is a modern furniture in which it is used, and will you look that you want and take your personality in the event design for your home.

Eliza Maledevic Ayson Modern Furniture Modern SofaMiami Modern furniture

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Assante Villa Canggu Bali

Assante Villa Canggu Bali | 4 Bedrooms Bali Villa

Private Villa Bali canggu
Low 550 + + | High 650 + + | Peak 800 + +

Brand new Bali private villas Villa Assante, is a luxury brand new 4 bedroooms of the villa in 1900 sqm of land and the location of Canggu, within walking distance of 250 meters or 5 minutes walking.

Assante Villa Bali is a modern villa combining luxury and comfort and ultimate enjoyment of tropical surrounding. Sufficiently reduced to a plot of land gently stepping up the river adjacent to the premise with lush rice field, the other half of the houses are 3 separate pavilions accommodateg and 8 adults in its 4 luxurious suites.

Entering the wooden entrance door to the main pavilion housing the four bedrooms, all come to EN SUITE bathroom with walk-in closet, and feature modern large LCD screen with a DVD player and international TV channels. Three bedrooms have double bed, while the remaining one has twin beds.

En-suite bathrooms, the lower floor bedrooms offer unique bathing experience is too freestanding terrazzo bathtub positioned behind full glass wall overlooking a garden enclosed. A separated standing shower is located in the outdoor garden. EN-suite bedrooms upstairs indoors. The lack of bathtub these bedrooms only offer a standing shower. Double sinks are standard in all bathrooms, as well as hair dryers.

A few steps down over lush garden are two open living pavilions positioned next to each other, separated by a shallow area, a swimming pool. It is the right of the living area comfortable couches suitable for relaxed lounging and other get-together features. Dining area on the left side of the long dining table seating official 10th Connected to the dining area is a very modern kitchen. Both pavilions are open to three sides allowing them to travel freely throughout the wind while enjoying the views over the swimming pool.

In front of the living pavilions is large swimming pool with shallow children's section and along the deck, two spacious swimming pool next to it, which is also suitable for barbecue. A few steps down from the poolside, spacious lawn in front of riverside is suitable for children's playground or garden party.

Approx. 250 meters walk from the villa, which belonged to Echo Beach, the most famous spot of Canggu beach where most of Surfers - both casuals and professionals - Catch the wave to travel further. There are two decent restaurants down the beach offering international dishes and grilled seafood, both offering free high-speed Internet connection.

40 minutes drive from Bali International Airport, Canggu is one of the most famous surfing beaches, not only the island but also throughout the world. This once sleepy fishing village, and then only a small fraction of the miles of golden sandy beach extends along the southwest coast of the island, from down south to the Tanakh Jimbaran Lot up North. Seminyak with all of its up-market tourism facilities, 15 minutes drive.
Bali villa canggu

8 Your Modern Furniture Care Tips

Architect Jakarta: 8 Your Modern Furniture Care Tips

12. December 2008 architectjakarta
Architect Jakarta

Architect Jakarta

Modern furniture has always been, we want our homes are Decor. They are both stylish and functional and therefore worth the purchase. Since we want these items are the last in our homes, we need to ensure that they are maintained very well. In addition, cleaning tips, the modern furniture needs care to keep them in pristine condition.

Here are eight ideas on how to take care of your modern furniture at home.

Protective measures

Modern furniture should be protected at all times. When you sit on your sofas or table, put the drink to ensure you have the furniture from spills and stains. You can use it effectively Coasters or cloth pads, which can catch the dirt and water can be saved and modern furniture from the damaged items.

Rotate Your Modern Furniture

One good idea in order to maintain the condition of your modern furniture is given to them. This means it must be carried from one place to another. For example, you can turn your sofas are different angles, so that the "most used" part of the furniture is placed, the area where it can be used less. You have to rotate them in such a way that is not used in the same spot all the time.

Avoid Sunlight

Under the influence of the sun could be a person or other manifestations of sunburns. In modern furniture, the sun can be equally damaging effects. Easily fade in color, furniture, and are often exposed on the basis of the duration of the Sun's rays.

Extremes of temperature

Extremes of temperature can also be a loss for any other reason. You must place your modern furniture items from the air condition units or heaters so that they do not get exposed to different temperature all the time.

Furniture Cleaning

Modern furniture needs regular cleaning. You can wipe them clean of dust or a piece of cloth. Special Cleanser also designed to clean, modern furniture items of different materials. You can buy these products and to maintain the cleanliness of your modern furniture.

Avoid Rough Spots

If you drag the object around its modern furnishings is surely necessary to avoid the rough spots, which may cause injury. Always put them in easily and a lot of precaution, then you can be sure that a well-maintained, modern furniture items.

Frequent dusting

One good way to care for the objects of modern furniture is to keep them from dust. As much as possible, you can do everyday to prevent dusting dirt from settling the world's most complex parts of the furniture.


Polishing may be necessary for modern furniture items. Polishers are sold on the market, which is intended for the use of modern furniture alone. You may consider purchasing these products, in order to maintain its pristine appeal of modern furniture items.

Vanessa Arellano Doctor
Modern furniture
Home Design Home Builder Jakarta Jakarta Jakarta, home renovation
Interior Design Jakarta, Jakarta Design Gardening, Landscaping Design Jakarta
Architect of Indonesia, Jakarta http://www.bangun-rumah.com Consultant Architect

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Internet Iklan Rumah, Iklan Rumah Indonesia http://www.griyakita.com

Contemporary Gazebo and Garden Room from Forestgarden

Contemporary Gazebo and Garden Room from Forestgarden

Contemporary Gazebo and Garden Room from Forestgarden
20 June 2008 By: Momoy Category: Garden
Sponsored Links


Park is the perfect place to relax in the summer, if you have a beautiful garden in your home, it will be more exciting if you decorate the gazebo or garden room, so you can spend the weekend and a lazy summer afternoon naps in one of the . Garden room and gazebo from forestgarden will make your dream become a reality, see pictures and get ideas garden decor.




Interior Design With Modern Style Furniture

Interior Design With Modern Style Furniture
June 10, 2008

Bathroom Interior Design With Modern Style

the concept of home is a minimalist, modern-style house, with interior design is simple but with style fertile. interior design concept in the home must be supported by minimalist furniture style is modern, some still maintain the classic styling of the furniture in the interior design. minimalist furniture in the house of simple but impressive in the perfect unity planology. following picture is the settlement of a bathroom with a modern style of interior design

picture below is the interior design is impressive lush, this concept applies to interior design houses that have space limited by the reduced applied some furniture, especially the king-sized furniture.
bedroom interior design, modern style

A Guide to Creating a Minimalist Home

A Guide to Creating a Minimalist Home

Every Wednesday is Simplicity Day on Zen Habits.

I can not say that I truly minimalist home, but not cluttered, and most people I know would call a beautiful minimalist house.

One visitor who saw my kitchen and remarked, "I have never seen a kitchen that looks so clean, so clear stuff!" Well, I do the best to stay clean, but the button to remove items that are not necessary.

For example, on my kitchen floor / dining area with only a few main table (clear of any clutter), chairs, a few counter stools, high chairs, a step stool for children. At the ticket window only with toaster, microwave and coffee.

This is a minimalist house with character and contentment and life? Some might think so, but I get a strange satisfaction, a fulfillment, looking around the house and see a clutter-free. It's calming, and liberating, and quite good.

Benefits of the Minimalist Home
I could go on for a while this may be, but I just list some key benefits:

1. Less stress. Chaos is a form of visual distraction, and everything in our vision we attract at least a little. Less clutter, less visual stress we have. A minimalist home is calming.
2. More interesting. Think about the image of the home cluttered, and photos of minimalist homes. That with almost no in them except some beautiful furniture, some artwork, good, and some very beautiful decoration, is the most interesting from us. You can make your home more attractive to make it more minimalist.
3. It is easier to clean. Difficult to clean a large number of objects, or sweep or vacuum around a bunch of furniture. The more goods you have, the more you have to keep clean, and more complicated to clean around the stuff. Think about how easy it is to clean the room is empty, compared with 50 objects in it. That's an extreme example, of course, because I do not recommend you have an empty space, but only to illustrate the difference.

What a Minimalist Home Looks Like
This will vary, of course, depending on your taste and how extreme you want a minimalist. I am a minimalist, but I do not have the extreme. But here are some characteristics of a minimalist home:

* Minimum of furniture. A minimalist rooms contain only some of the important furniture. A family room, for example, may only have a bed, a chair or seat, a coffee table, a minimalist entertainment stand (not the one with the big bunch of shelves), a television, and some lights. Can even contain less (couch, chairs and coffee table, for example). A room may have a simple (or even a mattress only), a cabinet, and probably the night stand or bookshelf.
* Clear the surface. In a minimalist home, flat surface is clear, except for one or two decorations (see next item). No amount of jewelry knacks, and definitely does not stack books or papers or other goods.
* Accent decor. A house full clear will be a little boring, actually. So instead of having coffee tables free of any objects, you can have a simple vase with some flowers, for example. Or clear the table may only have a family photo. Blank wall that may have a good part of the art (I use my dad's artwork, as he'sa great artist).
* Quality over quantity. Rather than have a lot of goods in your home, a minimalist would choose just a few things very well and loved him frequently use. A really nice table, for example, is better than 5 pieces of press-board furniture.
* Example. Photo at the top of this post is a good example of minimalist house (it's not my home, but I hope it is). See more photos of the beautiful house. Traditional-style Japanese house is another example of minimalism, such as this nice spread.

How to Create a Minimalist Home
It's not actually specify the steps to make your home minimalist, except to change the philosophy and goal to shoot in the previous section above. But here are some tips that I will offer to anyone trying to shoot for minimalism:

1. One room at a time. Unless you move to a new place, it is difficult to simplify the whole house at once. Focus on one room, and let that become the center of peace. Use it to inspire you to simplify the next room, and the next. Then do the same on the outside!
2. Start with furniture. Things in the room is furniture, so you should always begin simplifying a room with a view furniture. The few pieces of furniture, the better (with reason, of course). Think furniture that can be eliminated without sacrificing comfort and livability. Go for a few pieces of plain, simple furniture (eg, a minimalist coffee table) with strong, soft colors.
3. Only the essentials. Do you see any furniture or in the room, ask yourself whether the item is really important. If you can live without it, get it out. Try to strip the room down to its essentials - you can always add a few choice items beyond the essentials later.
4. Clear the floor. Except for furniture, floors you should really clear. No need to clutter the floor, do not have to be personable, not to be kept on the floor. Once you've gotten down to the bare furniture major, all clear again on the floor - either donate it, trash, or find a place for it out of sight.
5. Clear surface. As with all flat surfaces. There is nothing in them, except one or two simple decorations (See Tip 9 below). Donation, or find in the outside garbage storage area to the other side. Akan make everything much, much less personable.
6. Clean walls. Some people hang up all kinds of items on the wall. Can not be done in a minimalist home. Clear the walls except for one or two simple pieces of nice artwork (see Tip 8 below).
7. Save the goods out of sight. This has been mentioned above tips, but you must save everything you need from the view, and long trousers in the cupboard. Bookshelves can be used to save the book or DVD or CD, but it should not have much more except a few simple decorations (not whole collections of objects).
8. Declutter. If you are clearing and the average surface, and store goods in cupboards and drawers, you may want to declutter your storage areas too. You can do so in the future if you want. How to Declutter see more.
9. Simple works of art. To keep the room is not boring, you can put a simple painting, image or photo, framed with soft, solid color, on each wall if you want. Leave some walls bare if possible.
10. Simple decor. Referred to in the above tips, one or two simple decorations can be used as accents for the minimalist space. A small flower vase or plant is drunk two classic examples. If the rest of the rooms have been weak colors, you can use bright colors (like red or yellow) to draw the eyes and give a plain space splash energy.
11. Plain window treatments. Bare windows, or simple, solid color curtains, or simple, wooden blinds are good. Too much ornate stuff around the windows is clutter.
12. Plain pattern. Solid colors are best for floor coverings (if you have), furniture, etc. Complex patterns, such as flowers or checkers, are visual clutter.
13. The soft color. As mentioned in Tip 9 above, you can have a splash of bright color in the room, but most of the rooms have to be more subtle colors - white is classic minimalist, but any solid color that does not stress the eyes is good (earth colors come to mind, such as blues, browns, tans, greens).
14. Edit and eliminate. When you've simplified a room, you may be able to do more. Give a few days, and then see everything with fresh eyes. What can be removed? Saved from the view? What is not important? You can go back to each room every few months, and sometimes you will find things that can simplify even more.
15. A place for everything. I have discussed in this post, but in the minimalist house, it is important that you find a place for everything, and remember the places where they are. Where you blender go? Give it a spot, and stick with it. Logical place to aim for close to a place that used to make things more efficient, but the key that points to a place.
16. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. After the simplified room, take some time to see and enjoy. It's so peaceful and fun. This is the reward for hard work. Ahhhh. So nice!

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